There are too many different ways to lose keys. There are also too many ways to damage the new electronic keys. When needing to replace keys that will be even more specialized than most see, that will mean the dealership or a trusted third party will need to be used. This is especially true with Mercedes key programming. No car owner wants to have their vehicle stolen by a criminal getting hold of the programming for their key. That could lead to headaches and insurance issues.
Security Concerns
One of the reasons that dealerships and reputable key replacement companies are careful about their technology is because of the different crimes that could be committed. Mercedes key programming has to be extra secure because of their
high demand by thieves. They can be resold at a high enough cost that they will be stolen often. The parts are also in high demand. This will mean that the keys have to be protected, along with the technology to program them. No person wants to pay the money that has to be paid for a Mercedes and worry that it can be easily stolen.
Brands Matter
When a dealership is needing the right tools for Mercedes key programming, they need to make sure they find the brand that is reputable and reliable. That is made better when the company is known internationally. When needing a brand that is reliable, check to see what Abrites USA has to offer clients at their website